Wiltshire Ladies Bowler is runner up at National Championshi
At the recent VIBE, Visually Impaired Bowls England, National Championship, Jeannette Maisey became the Ladies B2 Singles runner up and with Tony Kimpton became the B2 National Pairs runners up.
This was Jeannette’s first attempt at the National finals and she is to be congratulated as she lost the B2 Ladies to the current Ladies World Champion.
Jeannette plays Indoor at Swindon Manor Indoor Bowls Club and outdoors at Stratton Churchway Bowls Club. She also plays for VIBE and DBE, Disability Bowls England.
Swindon Manor runs disability bowling sessions every Saturday from 10am to 12 and welcomes all. At these sessions’, there are players with sight loss, physical impairments and mobility issues. Free taster sessions are available and anyone interested please contact nigel.morgan2@ntlworld.com
There are three qualified Coaches at Swindon Manor who are also disability certified Coaches. Iain and Richard also Coach at Stratton Churchway and Nigel Coaches at Haydon Wick. Both Swindon Manor and Haydon Wick are also fully equipped with aids for bowlers such as wheelchairs, bowling arms, lifters, launchers etc.