World Bowls Indoor Championships.
Coming to Bristol soon.
Coming to Bristol soon.
I have sad news to pass on to all our members. We have Just heard that Chris Payne has passed away. Chris was member of Westlecot Bowls Club and also played at SMIBC and was, at one time, a member of the Garrards outdoor Club. Our thoughts go to his family.
It is with deep sorrow I have to share the news that one of Haydon Wick’s and Swindon Manor’s very popular members has passed away. Jim Young passed away peacefully on Saturday morning at the Prospect Hospice. Jim had been in poor health for many months. Our love and thoughts are with Wendy (his Wife)…
The students from Cirencester Collage who organised the afternoon tea at the Manor on 5th May raised a total of £153-87. This monies is to be donated to the Prospect Hospice. A thank you for all that supported and enjoyed the day. Hopefully we can di it again next year.
I have had a small amount of time on my hand whilst self-isolating so decided to change the website. I hope the new look is ok with all those members that view the site? I need to change the pictures used throughout the site to reflect the great improvement carried out within the club by…
Following the latest release of the EIBA guidelines regarding Coronavirus the committee has decided to cease all bowling as of Monday 16th March 2020. All league Skips will be contacted. If any of you are aware of any casual players then please advise them of the situation. UPDATE: The club will be open for short…